Building insurance

As the owner of a house, you’ve made an investment that is not only expensive to acquire but can also become a significant financial burden in case of damage. A vehicle collision with the house’s wall, a lightning strike, or a fire – all of these can substantially reduce the value of your building and even jeopardize its structural stability. Since repair measures for completed properties can quickly become cost-intensive, every homeowner is advised to have a home insurance policy.

For property owners, home insurance offers a variety of different inclusions to choose from to best secure their residential building. There are inclusions, for example, that consider the removal of graffiti or acknowledge water damage caused by defective waterbeds. It’s also possible that tenants of the residential building may need to move to a hotel for the duration of the repair work after a significant loss. In this case as well, your property insurance can provide financial coverage. Property owners are therefore advised to purchase home insurance based on the expected risks to adequately protect their properties.

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